1. Install JDK
Yum install java
2. Download Adobe Flex SDK (Free Adobe Flex SDK)
wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flex/sdk/flex_sdk_4.6.zip
3. if run as root, you can create directory in /opt/flexsdk or other places
cd /opt/flexsdk
unzip ~/flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159.zip
if work as normal user
mkdir ~/flexsdk
cd ~/flexsdk
unzip ~/flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159.zip
4. change the variables
vi ~/.bashrc
#add the following lines
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/flexsdk/bin:~/flexsdk/bin
5. Test
$mxmlc –help
Yum install java
2. Download Adobe Flex SDK (Free Adobe Flex SDK)
wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flex/sdk/flex_sdk_4.6.zip
3. if run as root, you can create directory in /opt/flexsdk or other places
cd /opt/flexsdk
unzip ~/flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159.zip
if work as normal user
mkdir ~/flexsdk
cd ~/flexsdk
unzip ~/flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159.zip
4. change the variables
vi ~/.bashrc
#add the following lines
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/flexsdk/bin:~/flexsdk/bin
5. Test
$mxmlc –help