this is a simple button tutorials for As3 beginners.
A simple As2 buttonClick
In as3
simple one
function buttonClick(evt:MouseEvent) {
so what is in "evt:MouseEvent"?. just try this one
function buttonClick(evt:MouseEvent) {
This event has the following properties:
Property | Value |
bubbles | true |
buttonDown | true if the primary mouse button is pressed; false otherwise. |
cancelable | false ; there is no default behavior to cancel. |
ctrlKey | true if the Control key is active; false if it is inactive. |
currentTarget | The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. |
localX | The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite. |
localY | The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite. |
shiftKey | true if the Shift key is active; false if it is inactive. |
stageX | The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred in global stage coordinates. |
stageY | The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred in global stage coordinates. |
target | The InteractiveObject instance under the pointing device. The target is not always the object in the display list that registered the event listener. Use the currentTarget property to access the object in the display list that is currently processing the event. |
just so folks know a click event is different than a press event.
a click event in AS3 is implies that the user clicked and released in the designated hit area.
the AS2 onPress is actually more like AS3's MouseDown event. these both with fire your event as soon as the mouse button goes down in the designated hit area. it may seem like a small difference but when building UI it's a good detail to pay attention to :)
Thanks! I'm familiar with AS3 but forgot the format for AS2...
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