pictures of mrsa, mrsa picture, what is mrsa, symptoms of mrsa, mrsa photos,what does mrsa look like
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a chilling report on a killer potentially more deadly than AIDS: MSRA. This "superbug" is affecting thousands of workers and their families and could affect your business in terms of productivity, insurance, emergency preparedness and many other factors. In this article, you will see a video about MRSA, learn some basic facts about MRSA and receive 5 tips on safeguarding your business against MRSA.
MSRA Superbug Video
How Does MRSA Spread?
MRSA is commonly spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as shaking hands or hugging. It can also spread via airbone particles through sneezing or coughing, or through exposure to contaminated medical equipment.
How Can I Prevent MRSA?
The best way to prevent MRSA is to practice good hygiene - particularly by washing your hands properly and frequently. Avoid contact with other people's wounds, bandages and personal items.
MRSA Pictures

Hello I am 14 years old i am a very athletic person in track cheerleading volleyball and basketball..
my 7th - 8th grade year i was diagnosed with M.R.S.A i had the worse case of this superbug in Southern Texas. I happened to have waited to long and now the bug is colonized in my knee.... I am on many medications and now have to have a surgery on it....I know what theses people have gone through it is not a pretty thing...i almost died.
I was diagnosed with a very mild case of MRSA last year, and while i am extremely gratuitous towards the fact that it was so mild, i still felt a sense of shame and emotional discomfort because of it. I think it's great that you have made an attempt to reach out to others and let them know of your support. i wish all the best to you, and encourage your continuing athleticism.
-CT, 22, NY
Hey there I'm a 17 year old girl
I also just got Diagnosed with M.R.S.A as well...i'ts been on my chin for around 2 months now :( i've
tried antibiotics.Those weren't working out for me. So the doctor put me on a cream and NEW antibiotics Im really hopeing it goes away i really just dont get it...Im Scared. The doctor said if I would of gottin there eny later i would of died also...
hey i just had mrsa removed from my abdominal area. Its really painful and definitely and eyesore. It was really painful when they took it out then all the recovery time was actually bad to because i couldn't move my abdominal are so yea, good luck to those with it make sure you get it checked out asap.
18 year old male, first dianosed with mrsa in 11th grade at 16. waited too long to see a doctor and almost died. sent directly to emergency room when i went to patient first. in the ER they lanced it open and drained it out, couldnt put me to sleep b/c of fear i would not awake due to medical state so it was an extremely painful operation while still awake with almost no anistetics. recovery in hospital for 2 weeks on IV antibiotics then long recovery at home. since then i have gotten mild cases. i suggest to prevent it by scrubing down with a strong wash such as hypoclense and never touch any sores.
I am 14 years old from small town burns lake and about a year and a half ago i got a sore on my stomach on the waist and i was a lil zit like thing and behind it was a big bump and the first time i squeezed it puss and blood came out and i keep squeezing it and i was in the shower and i squeezed it again and a lil white sack came out i heard it hit the shower floor and i could look at it cuz the water washed it away and after that i've been keep getting them i swear i probably got more than 50 of them at least 50 or 40 the scars now but i still get them and it hurts alot i go 2 doctors and they give me amoxacilin IT DOSENT work i still have it am i going to have it for life?? if i have children will it affect them??
Will i die from this can any one let me know PLease
Look for AlliMax- it's contains allicin- an extract from garlic. It breaks up the dormant MRSA in your system so you can actually get rid of it for good. You may want to do this along w/ antibiotics. It comes in a pill, cream, and I think liquid form.
Hello, Im a 17 year old female. I attended a summer camp at a university where i stayed in the dorms. About a week into the camp i noticed a small red bump on the inside of my right leg in the middle of my calf. I have sensitive skin so i thought it was simply irritation from shaving. However it continued to swell and i continued to think it would go away on its own. When i returned home i showed it to my mother who also thought it would go away on its own. However it continued to grow and began to get painful. It reached the size of a golf ball and was so painful that i couldnt even put weight on my leg. My pants just touching it also caused me severe pain. Fed up i went to a walk in 24hour clinic. The doctor there looked at it. Didnt know what it was.. and sent me on my way with an antibiotic. This one infected area finaly opened itself up and drained releaving the pain. I ended up getting two more sores like the first but was able to stop them before they got to be a problem. I then went to a dermotologist who immediatly diagnosed it as MRSA. I am now on a once monthly treatment and have only had one onther sore. I was lucky to have a mild case and not suffer from any major realated health problems. My heart goes out to those of you who delt with far worse cases that i did.
I was wondering though. I do bear scars on my legs from the infection. They look like dark purple dots and i am very embarassed by them. Does anyone know if there is something out there to help get reduce the scars?
I noticed a small lump on the inside of my right thigh. I picked at it and tried to pop it. When the puss came out, I was left with a large hole. The doctor gave me a antibiotic and packed the hole to help with draiage. A week later i noticed a nother spot now in my groin. After hot packs and a second antibiotic, the lump broke open and drained for about 20 minuets. After 13 trips to the doctor for packing and wound cleaning, a third antibiotic and pain meds, it seems to be going away.
Hi, to the 17 yr old female who attended a summer camp. I also thought I had razor burn on my leg, under my left knee cap. As it got worse I thought it was a spider bite. The health center at my university made me wait to get an appointment because they didn't think it was serious. When I actually saw the doctors they couldn't stop apologizing, they had a feeling it was MRSA as soon as they looked at it. They lanced and drained it, took a sample for testing, and sent me on my way (no antibiotics). Two days later they called and told me it was MRSA and that I'd likely get more infections and should go to the Dr immediately whenever I noticed one.
I just came down with what I think is a new one, in my left armpit. I thought it was a swollen lymph node because I had a slight cold. But it feels too much like my knee and is red and super sensitive to the touch.
Went to the Dr immediately. My new Dr didn't drain it or test it even after I told him I already had MRSA, he just gave me antibiotics (pill and cream). I hope they work, otherwise it'll just get worse before I go back and complain that they should have tested it and/or lanced it.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Try tea tree oil!
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